Monthly Archives: June 2016

Selected notes from mr. James Barrington’s Journal

  • Investigated mysterious massacre at the ”Misr Mansion”. Unusual cult activity. Not the usual upper class excuse for debauchery. Bring in mr. Crowley for questioning?

  • The case of the ”Charred Irishman”. Seems to have a connection to to the ”Misr Mansion” incident. Superiors are not convinced. Charred Irishman is connected to the party of the american mr. Cult activity seems unusual compared to former cases. I wish to investigate further
  • Apply for a leave of abscence. Leave granted.
  • Tracked down. mr. Griswold and his associates to the Alps. Some of them seem to have aqquired mental trauma not unsimiliar to ”Shell Shock” experienced by our troops during The Great War. Informed them of the death of the Irishman.
  • Travelled with mr. Griswold & co. to Cairo. Hot
  • Contacted the office for clues regarding the location of mr. No success.
  • Some success in finding clues regarding the former expeditions. Clues are mostly mindless babble
  • Egypt is a hot land inhabited by beings hardly more civilized than the avergae african barbarian. Supertitous and reluctant to evolve. Managed to get some local clothing. Makes the climate slightly more bearable.
  • Wen’t to investigate a lead regarding former expeditions to one of the pyramids (not the famous ones). It seems the charred Irish man’s profanity was well warranted. Never before have I uttered these words in writing or a loud, but WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK did we just witness?!
  • Got horribly drunk. Smoked hasish. What can man do against such despicable evil?